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Cat Day: How to Celebrate Our Kitties with Jewelry

Festa del gatto: come celebrare i nostri mici con i gioielli

The cat is one of the most beloved pets, millions and millions of people around the world choose to live with these extraordinary creatures whose relationship with man has roots in ancient centuries.

The importance that small felines have in our lives and, we dare say, even within society has been made official in Italy, and then in the World, with a day completely dedicated to them.

Cat's Day in Italy

It is celebrated today, February 17, and its celebration has taken place since 1990. The dates vary depending on the nation and the choice of each of these is linked to numerous reasons. Poland, for example, has chosen to follow Italy and celebrate on February 17 since 2006. Japan, on the other hand, arrived first and since 1987 has celebrated felines on February 22, while in the United States and Russia it has been celebrated on October 29 and March 1, respectively, since 2005.

Universally, however, there is only one date established by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (Ifaw) and it falls on August 8th.

But why February 17? In some cases, behind the choice of dates for "national" or "international" days, there is no real motivation with solid foundations, but (especially in the last period in which international days are rampant) it was enough to choose a date among the remaining ones.

But this is not our case! The reasons that led to the choice of this date are interesting and curious and still shrouded in a veil of mystery.

In 1990 Claudia Angeletti, a cat-loving journalist, proposed to the readers of the magazine "Tuttogatto" for which she edited a monthly column what would be the most suitable date to celebrate our feline friends. The survey was successful and many expressed their ideas, but one of them struck the journalist, the reasons given by Mrs. Oriella.

Legend has it that the lady justified the date of February 17th with several sentences:

  • February is the month of the zodiac sign of Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, protector of free and nonconformist spirits like those of cats who do not like to feel oppressed by too many rules. Isn't the cat perhaps the animal most proud of its independence and freedom?
  • February is also the month that, according to some popular sayings, is associated with cats. "Every cat has its own February" is a Northern Italian saying that indicates the heat period of cats. Or more simply popular sayings that associate February with cats and witches, thus attributing a magical value to the animal which, for centuries, has been part of the sphere of mystery and magic.
  • The numerology of the number 17 is well known but perhaps not everyone knows that it varies according to the nation or continent. In Italy for example the number 17 brings bad luck and this prerogative has always been associated with (black) cats. On the contrary in Scandinavian countries this number brings good luck and would even indicate a wish for longevity if interpreted in this way: a life for 7, just as the cat (according to another popular belief) would live for 7 times.
  • Always numerology, and always the belief that a cat could live 7 lives (in Latin countries, in Anglo-Saxon ones they are 9) the anagram of the Roman numeral 17 (XVII) would be VIXI or "I have lived". The verb used in the past would in fact be a reference to rebirth. According to some, it is precisely this motivation that in the Latin world would lead bad luck to the number 17.

We have discovered that behind cats, as well as behind the number 17, there is a lot of belief and symbolism, so let's find out what makes these animals so mysterious, magical, important and adorable!

History of the Cat: Love and Hate

If today the cat is so loved and adored it is because it is linked to ancient cultures, traditions and beliefs.

When you think of cats and their veneration you cannot help but think of the Egyptian culture that personifies in these creatures the concepts of fertility and maternal love. Their relevance is clear if you consider that cats, like humans, were buried after death.

Another "cat-loving" culture is certainly the Arab one and the benevolence towards felines would arise from the excellent relationship that the prophet Mohammed had with them. Legend has it that a cat helped him defeat a snake bite and for this reason the prophet gave them two super powers: the ability to always land on 4 legs and to see the earthly and otherworldly world at the same time. In fact, cats, and only cats other than humans, are allowed to enter mosques.

In the Middle Ages the cat was demonized because it was considered, as already mentioned, the animal of witches and even of the devil. From the Renaissance to the 20th century the cat will go quite unnoticed, with a neutral consideration and little relevance. From the 20th century onwards, however, scientific interest and symbolism linked to the animal grew, which was oriented towards the socio-political sphere so much so that it was taken as a symbol of the anarchist movement

How to Celebrate Your Furry Friend with Cat Jewelry

On this special day for him - and for you who love him - there are a thousand ways to show your affection. The little feline will deserve a little gift (I'm sure he receives many throughout the year) but also a gesture of love that tells the world what you love is a gesture of great affection.

The most classic gift can only be a brand new collar, a soft toy to play with or, if you want to go further, a nice scratching post to destroy!

At Giuzi we love all animals and, at the same time, we believe that jewelry (like other things) expresses who you really are. For this reason our "origami" collection celebrates many small and large friends, why not choose a cat-shaped jewel - earrings , bracelet , necklace - or even the entire set to take your 4-legged friend with you who, as you discovered today, also brings good luck!