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Recycling is a passion! 5 tips to be green but with style

5 consigli per essere green

Humanity consumes more than the earth can offer, we know it. And if we don't know it, we should know it. If you think that pollution is a postponable problem or that global warming is a natural phenomenon, you can consult Duegradi , a web magazine that addresses environmental issues starting from solid scientific bases with a language accessible to all.

Can we do something to solve this terrible situation? The answer is complex and cannot be offered by an online jewelry shop. One thing is certain: we must all strive to recycle more and better. Let's see together how recycling marries fashion:

Here are 5 tips for going green, but with style.

(It's also okay if you're green without style. The style issue can be postponed, the green issue, no.)

Explore all the family closets

Have you looked carefully through your mother's old closets? Look carefully and search again... You can find great treasures. It was precisely during the lockdown that, in order not to abandon myself to boredom and bitterness, I dived into the closets of when my mother did not yet know the sound of my voice. Alas, my mother is not the kind of mother who keeps everything, in fact, she often throws away things that still had a lot of life left. Yes, mom, I'm talking to you. You shouldn't have touched my 2009 Vans. And yet, even though she is not a serial hoarder, she still has some pieces of fabric that she doesn't have the courage to get rid of. I found this lemon yellow dress, made of linen, that came to me directly from the '70s. And it was love at first sight.

sustainable fashion

You can't have a time machine, but you can buy a radio from the past

I don't know where I would go if I could go back in time, but I know that if I could stock up on vintage radios I would go straight to Erwitt!

Erwitt is an online shop of refurbished vintage radios: they come from collectors all over the world and Giacomo, a brilliant mind and skilled craftsman, makes them compatible with all smartphones, all tablets and all PCs. Erwitt radios are unique design pieces on which to listen to today's pieces with yesterday's sound: to call them creative recycling is an understatement.

You can buy them on or visit their store in Livorno, in Via Cambini 35.


credit @erwittradio

Packaging I love you

Giuzi's jewels travel around Italy inside a FSC cardboard box, made with respect for the forests and completely recyclable. Once used, you can throw it in the paper bin or reuse it a little more. How? Here are some ideas:

  • EMPTY POCKETS , throw all your coppers here
  • STATIONERY ORGANIZER , because if you love your stationery you have to organize it in the best way
  • HEADPHONE HOLDER , to avoid them getting tangled and throwing them into the backpack without worries
  • HAIRPIN HOLDER , so they don't get swallowed up by black holes
  • GIFT BOX , for small gifts for great friends.

And when you're desperately looking for a hairpin and find it in there, you'll finally be able to say: packaging I love you!

Four-wheeled bags

Have you ever seen a truck turn into a bag?

Markus and Daniel, the two Freitag brothers, took care of it.

Freitag, besides being Friday in German, is a brand that makes bags from truck tarps. In 2014, the bag brand developed a new fabric from plant fibers and produced within a radius of 2,500 kilometers from Zurich with minimal use of resources, highly durable and completely biodegradable. Freitag has not only devoted itself to the circular economy, it has reorganized itself internally as a circular structure: in 2016, it abolished the classic hierarchy and management positions to introduce a holacratic organizational model.

A pencil is forever

A lucky slogan used to say: a diamond is forever. Did you know that there is also an indestructible pencil? That's why it's called Perpetua.

Perpetua is the only pencil in the world made with 80% graphite powder that would otherwise end up in landfill. It is round but has a smooth side that prevents it from rolling away. It can be sharpened but it writes even if it is not sharpened. On the head it has a glue-free eraser. It is non-toxic, does not dirty your hands and does not break if it falls.

It's innovative, it's eco-friendly and it's 100% Made in Italy. What more could you want from a pencil?